
I’m Lotte Johansen. I am an Accessibility Advocate and Engineering Manager with Developer background. I love to speak about Accessibility and Technology.

During my career I have developed an interest for web accessibility. It started in 2014 when a new legislation for accessibility was introduced in Norway. We were several developers and designers who decided to create an accessibility group and figure out what to do about it at our workplace, FINN.no. When I realized that by making websites accessible to people with disabilities, we make them better for EVERYONE, the purpose of being an accessibility advocate became even clearer to me.

In 2015 I started speaking at conferences like JavaZone and WebRebels about accessibility, and I have also extended the number of subjects I talk about at conferences. In 2019 I was nominated “Tech Role Model” by Tech Women Norway.

I have now started my own business to be able to do more public speaking outside my daily job as an engineering manager for the Honk team at FINN.no.

I've been featured on...
Lotte Johansen profile picture
Tech Women Norway - Lotte Johansen, improving UX for everyone with web accessibility
Kode24 - Ukas Koder Lotte Johansen i FINN.no forteller om universell utforming, kanban og 1.000 deploys i uka.
DOGA - Jury 2020 Innovasjonsprisen i universell utforming
Lotte presenting at microXch.io conference
microXchg 2017 - Lotte Johansen: Challenges Testing Microservices in Distributed Systems
Lotte with winner sign for the Innovation Award in universal design
FINN.no Kategorivinner av Innovasjonsprisen for universell utforming 2017
Lotte talking at JavaZone about Accessibility for Everyone
JavaZone 2015 - Universell utforming for alle! - Lotte Johansen
lotte at JavaZone 2018 with the talk Dear user please say yes
JavaZone 2018 - Dear User, Please Say Yes - Lotte Johansen
Lotte - Tech Role Model 2019
Tech Women Norway - Role Models 2019 - Lotte Johansen
Lotte portrait

I realized that by making accessible solutions to people with disabilities, we make better solutions for everyone!

lotte signature

Topics I Can Speak About


Accessibility for Everyone

My first talk at JavaZone which has been improved during the years. Get examples of why making accessible websites for people with disabilities make them better for everyone!


Getting an Accessibility culture in your Organization

Go from being one person to having awareness in the whole organization


Accessibility Real World Constraints

Some real examples of how to navigate through accessibility constraints


Accessibility Workshop

I run workshops where you learn about accessibility and get to test your own solutions the way people with disabilities test them – in a fun way!


My Tech Journey

Hear my story how I got interested in technology and how it is to be a woman in the tech business today


Women in Tech

There should be more women in the tech business. Why? What can we do to improve that? Get inspired!


From Monolith to Microservices

Are you going from a monolith to microservices? There are some challenges testing microservices, but also advantages. like working on different parts without destroying for each other.


Your wish?

Do you want me to talk about a specific subject? Please contact me, and we can figure it out 🙂